
  • Education

    SCA works closely with universities (including deans, boards and department heads), the Victorian School Building Authority (VSBA), headmasters, school executives & boards, and third-party stakeholders.

  • Transport

    Our work in the roads, rail and port sectors includes developing business cases, operational strategies, feasibilities, project requirements, and technical briefing papers. We also undertake project planning and project management.

  • Power & Renewables

    We provide technical advice for power & renewable energy assets. We also support our clients to manage the challenging risks and opportunities associated with climate change such as emissions reduction and energy efficiency strategies.


Tertiary programs

SCA undertook project management and program management for several tertiary developments, including for facility upgrades as well as major multi-campus programs. We oversaw new builds in greenfield and brownfield environments covering corporate, trade training, tertiary, VET, VCAL and VCE programs.

Our clients have included TAFE Gippsland, Chisholm Institute, and Latrobe University.

Tertiary masterplans

We’ve completed tertiary masterplans involving technical and commercial aspects to inform prioritisation of asset upgrades and long-term campus expansions.

Our clients have included TAFE Gippsland, Chisholm Institute, and Latrobe University.

Kindergartens, primary & secondary schools

We oversaw projects for public & private schools in urban and regional locations. This includes new schools, precinct school developments, specialist schools, and early childhood learning.

Recent projects included Mt Scopus Memorial College, Camberwell Girls Junior & Middle Schools, and Presbyterian Ladies College (PLC) junior school & boarding house.

Our services in the Education Sector involves project management, various project support functions, as well as establishing and running the project management office (PMO). We also provide contract management for tendering through to design & construction phases for consultancy contracts, construct-only, D&C, and PPP structures, including providing post-project support for novating contracts and/or transitioning consortium third-parties into the operation & maintenance phase.

We provide project tracking via structured reporting frameworks, such as the public sector online system reporting methods. Our work also involves business case development, grant application support, capital works superintendent/management, and asset management. We also retain our registration on the Construction Supplier Register (CSR) through our ongoing project support when our clients are undertaking construction works.


Business cases

We have undertaken business cases for railway, bus, and port projects. Our recent work includes transit cities, stations, regional line/corridor upgrades, and safer level crossing programs.

We have actively supported the State Government to prepare periodic updates to Victoria’s integrated public transport network resilience strategy (bus/tram/rail).


We work closely with the State Government and transport organisations to identify problems and develop informative assessments to support decision making for project prioritisation and scoping.

We recently developed client requirements for level crossing upgrades and DSAPT compliance at bus/rail interchanges as well as preparing a feasibility study for a major rolling stock maintenance facility.

Project support

We have provided project support services through developing project reporting methodology, committee review papers, and industry briefing papers,

We bring strong stakeholder engagement that focuses on ‘operational excellence’ in the work we do for the transport sector. Our leaders appreciate the challenges our clients face in managing risks and opportunities across a complex integrated transport network.

Our deep understanding of these challenges and our open and proactive approach to work through the solutions is one of our strengths. It is built through our years working across the transport sector, establishing a helicopter view of the broader transport needs through to deep-diving into the day-to-day management of safety and operational resilience that our transport operators face.

Power & renewables

Carbon emissions reduction strategy

Our team, through IRE, recently completed an Emissions Reduction Roadmap for a major public transport operator. We assessed Scope 1 & 2 emissions, established realistic net-zero emissions reduction targets, developed scenarios and emissions reduction options, and prepared a roadmap with recommendations on next steps.

We provide a cross-sector approach to our work in the power & renewables sector. This involves bringing expertise into all our projects to support economic outcomes, meeting climate change objectives, and long-term sustainability.

We provide technical advisory services as well as contract management and project management. Our leaders have recently completed technical assessments for power assets as well as an emissions reduction strategy. We appreciate the evolving landscape in the renewables sector and therefore bring a wealth of current knowledge regarding policy & regulation, grant application and financial structuring, GHG emissions accounting, cost estimating, as well as business change management and optimisation.

REFCL business case

SCA recently completed the business case addendum for the Rapid Earth Fault Current Limiter (REFCL) project. This involved meeting the requirements of the Department of Treasury and Finance Investment Management Standard to establish the need, define the benefits, intervention exploration, cost estimates and delivery process identification.

Implementation of REFCL is in response to the 2009 Victorian Bushfires Royal Commission and the Electricity Safety (Bushfire Mitigation) Regulations 2013 (amended in 2016).

Further information on the Victorian REFCL Program can be found via the link below.